Aretha Franklin left no will when she died last week at the age of 76, according to documents filed on Tuesday in a Michigan court, which could result in details of her personal finances being made public.
Ms. Franklin not leaving a will behind is shocking since she was ill for several years and has a special needs son who requires financial and other forms of support for the rest of his life. According to Michigan law, Franklin’s 4 kids will share equally in her estate which is valued at 80 million dollars.
In documents filed with the Oakland County probate court, Ms. Franklin’s sons — Clarence, Edward and KeCalf Franklin, and Ted White Jr. — listed themselves as “interested parties.” One document, signed by KeCalf Franklin, checked a box indicating that “the decedent died intestate,” or without a will.
The sons also nominated Sabrina Owens, a niece of Ms. Franklin, to be the estate’s personal representative, a role similar to that of an executor.
Interesting enough, most of her hits like “Respect” she did not own so the future royalties of these songs will not be apart of her estate.
Let this be a cautionary tell to draft your will and most importantly a trust (which is not taxed the same way as a will and you can control distribution of) before its too late! Let the Carter Law Group draft your estate documents for a flat fee. Visit our “HIRE CLG” page for more info about our services.